
Russians 俄國人 --- Sting


In Europe and America, 在歐洲和美國,
there's a growing feeling of hysteria 有股日漸高張的歇斯底里情緒
Conditioned to respond to all the threats 用以回應一切威脅
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets 存在於蘇聯發表的言談之中
Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you 赫魯雪夫先生說,我們要埋葬你們
I don't subscribe to this point of view 我不接受這樣的觀點
It would be such an ignorant thing to do 這麼做是如此愚昧
If the Russian love their children too 如果俄國人也愛他們的孩子
How can I save my little boy 我如何挽救我的小男孩
from Oppenheimer's deadly toy 不受奧本海默的死亡玩具之害
There is no monopoly of common sense 世上不是只有單一的常理
On either side of the political fence 不論是在政治圍牆的哪一邊
We share the same biology 生物學上,我們一樣
Regardless of ideology 意識形態,我們撇開
Believe me when I say to you 請相信我說此話時
I hope the Russians love their children too 我希望俄國人也愛他們的孩子
There is no historical precedent 歷史上還沒有先例
To put words in the mouth of the president 可逼總統說出這樣的話
There's no such thing as a winnable war 世上沒有可贏的戰爭
It's a lie we don't believe anymore 這是我們不再相信的謊言
Mr. Reagan says we will protect you 雷根先生說,我們會保護你
I don't subscribe to this point of view 我不接受這樣的觀點
Believe me when I say to you 請相信我說此話時
I hope the Russians love their children too 我希望俄國人也愛他們的孩子
We share the same biology 生物學上,我們一樣
Regardless of ideology 意識形態,我們撇開
What might save us me and you 那能夠拯救我們,還有你和我的
Is that the Russians love their children too 就是俄國人也愛他們的孩子啊


