
The Amazon is burning because the world eats so much meat

Updated 1542 GMT (2342 HKT) August 23, 2019

(CNN)While the wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest may constitute an "international crisis," they are hardly an accident.
The vast majority of the fires have been set by loggers and ranchers to clear land for cattle. The practice is on the rise, encouraged by Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's populist pro-business president, who is backed by the country's so-called "beef caucus."
While this may be business as usual for Brazil's beef farmers, the rest of the world is looking on in horror.
So, for those wondering how they could help save the rainforest, known as "the planet's lungs" for producing about 20% of the world's oxygen, the answer may be simple. Eat less meat.
It's an idea that Finland has already floated. On Friday, the Nordic country's finance minister called for the European Union to "urgently review the possibility of banning Brazilian beef imports" over the Amazon fires.
Brazil is the world's largest exporter of beef, providing close to 20% of the total global exports, according the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) -- a figure that could rise in the coming years.
Last year the country shipped 1.64 million tonnes of beef -- the highest volume in history -- generating $6.57 billion in revenue, according to the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association (Abiec), an association of more than 30 Brazilian meat-packing companies.
The growth of Brazil's beef industry has been driven in part by strong demand from Asia -- mostly China and Hong Kong. These two markets alone accounted for nearly 44% of all beef exports from Brazil in 2018, according to the USDA.
And a trade deal struck in June between South America's Mercosur bloc of countries and the European Union could open up even more markets for Brazil's beef-packing industry.
Speaking after the agreement as announced, the head of Abiec, Antônio Camardelli, said the pact could help Brazil gain access to prospective new markets, like Indonesia and Thailand, while boosting sales with existing partners, like the EU. "A deal of this magnitude is like an invitation card for speaking with other countries and trade blocs," Camardelli told Reuters in July.
Once implemented, the deal will lift a 20% levy on beef imports into the EU.
But, on Friday, Ireland said it was ready to block the deal unless Brazil took action on the Amazon.
In a statement Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar described as "Orewellian" Bolsonaro's attempt to blame the fires on environmental groups. Varadkar said that Ireland will monitor Brazil's environmental actions to determine whether to block the Mercosur deal, which is two years away.
He added Irish and European farmers could not be told to use fewer pesticides and respect biodiversity when trade deals were being made with countries not subjected to "decent environmental, labor and product standards."
In June, before the furor over the rainforest began, the Irish Farmers Association called on Ireland not to ratify the deal, arguing its terms would disadvantage European beef farmers.
Deal or no deal, Brazil's beef industry is projected to continue expanding, buoyed by natural resources, grassland availability and global demand, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
And, with that growth, comes steep environmental costs.
Brazil's space research center (INPE) said this week that the number of fires in Brazil is 80% higher than last year. More than half are in the Amazon region, spelling disaster for the local environment and ecology.
Alberto Setzer, a senior scientist at INPE, told CNN that the burning can range from a small-scale agricultural practice, to new deforestation for mechanized and modern agribusiness projects.
Farmers wait until the dry season to start burning and clearing areas so their cattle can graze, but this year's destruction has been described as unprecedented. Environmental campaigners blame this uptick on Bolsonaro, who they say has encouraged ranchers, farmers, and loggers to exploit and burn the rainforest like never before with a sense of impunity.
Brush fires burn in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso on August 20.
Bolsonaro has dismissed accusations of responsibility for the fires, but a clear shift seems to be underway.
And if saving the rainforest isn't enough to convince carnivores to stop eating Brazilian beef -- the greenhouse gas emissions the cattle create may be.
Beef is responsible for 41% of livestock greenhouse gas emissions, and that livestock accounts for 14.5% of total global emissions. And methane -- the greenhouse gas cattle produce from both ends -- is 25 times more potent that carbon dioxide.
An alarming report released last year by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, said changing our diets could contribute 20% of the effort needed to keep global temperatures from rising 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Namely, eating less meat.
Still, global consumption of beef and veal is set to rise in the next decade according to projections from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
A joint report predicted global production would increase 16% between 2017 and 2027 to meet demand.
The majority of that expansion will be in developing countries, like Brazil.

亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」


圖/翻攝自傑登史密斯IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」

 擁有「地球之肺」美名的亞馬遜雨林,為全球製造出20%的氧氣,但現在卻面臨可怕的森林大火,平均每分鐘就能燒掉2個足球場大的面積,目前火勢已經持續3週,恐怕將加速惡化全球的氣候變遷。除了環保團體,連一向關注氣候變遷議題的好萊塢明星李奧納多(Leonardo DiCaprio)以及各界人士,也紛紛站出來發聲。
 圖/翻攝自李奧納多IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」

李奧納多23日在個人社群發布照片,亞馬遜森林火勢相當猛烈,橘色火光清晰可見,濃濃白煙不斷向上竄,幾乎壟罩整片天空,他也在文中引用巴西國家空間研究機構(National Institute for Space Research)的數據,提到野火已經延燒超過2週,在這之前,亞馬遜雨林光是今年就發生7萬4千多起森林火災,比去年的同一時間還要增加84%,影響上百萬原住民以及3百多萬物種。李奧納多也在文內強調「亞馬遜比我們需要得更多」,呼籲網友們踴躍捐款給相關環保團體,由於牛隻是驅使森林砍伐的主要因素之一,他也提醒大家減少牛肉的消耗量。

 圖/翻攝自小賈斯汀IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」

 圖/翻攝自羅納度IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」

不僅如此,就連歌手小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)也加入連署,在Instagram上轉貼傑登史密斯(Jaden Smith)的發文,以大寫英文字母警示「亞馬遜雨林正發生森林大火,情況很可怕,是全世界最大的碳匯集庫(carbon sink),請幫忙轉發」。巴西球星C.羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo),也於同一天發文為家鄉的森林大火發聲。
 圖/翻攝自梁靜茹IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」



詳細報導請見: news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1189411?from=Copy_content
2019/08/24 18:15 小 中 大 圖/翻攝自傑登史密斯IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」 圖/翻攝自傑登史密斯IG 擁有「地球之肺」美名的亞馬遜雨林,為全球製造出20%的氧氣,但現在卻面臨可怕的森林大火,平均每分鐘就能燒掉2個足球場大的面積,目前火勢已經持續3週,恐怕將加速惡化全球的氣候變遷。除了環保團體,連一向關注氣候變遷議題的好萊塢明星李奧納多(Leonardo DiCaprio)以及各界人士,也紛紛站出來發聲。 圖/翻攝自李奧納多IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」 圖/翻攝自李奧納多IG 李奧納多23日在個人社群發布照片,亞馬遜森林火勢相當猛烈,橘色火光清晰可見,濃濃白煙不斷向上竄,幾乎壟罩整片天空,他也在文中引用巴西國家空間研究機構(National Institute for Space Research)的數據,提到野火已經延燒超過2週,在這之前,亞馬遜雨林光是今年就發生7萬4千多起森林火災,比去年的同一時間還要增加84%,影響上百萬原住民以及3百多萬物種。李奧納多也在文內強調「亞馬遜比我們需要得更多」,呼籲網友們踴躍捐款給相關環保團體,由於牛隻是驅使森林砍伐的主要因素之一,他也提醒大家減少牛肉的消耗量。 圖/翻攝自小賈斯汀IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」 圖/翻攝自小賈斯汀IG 圖/翻攝自羅納度IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」 圖/翻攝自羅納度IG 不僅如此,就連歌手小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)也加入連署,在Instagram上轉貼傑登史密斯(Jaden Smith)的發文,以大寫英文字母警示「亞馬遜雨林正發生森林大火,情況很可怕,是全世界最大的碳匯集庫(carbon sink),請幫忙轉發」。巴西球星C.羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo),也於同一天發文為家鄉的森林大火發聲。 圖/翻攝自梁靜茹IG 亞馬遜森林野火燒不停 李奧納多呼籲大眾「別吃牛」 圖/翻攝自梁靜茹IG 近日身陷婚變暴風中的梁靜茹,也於23日深夜在限時動態PO出亞馬遜雨林大火的照片,寫下「我的心很痛,因為我常常跟樹說話,也常常擁抱大樹,心很痛,很痛」,此事令她擔心得無法入眠,表示會持續關心,同時祈求火勢能盡快撲滅。 實習編輯/范安褀

詳細報導請見: news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1189411?from=Copy_content