
世人皆吃肉 養肉代價高 In a World of Carnivores, Meat Exacts a Costly Toll

In a World of Carnivores, Meat Exacts a Costly Toll

世人皆吃肉 養肉代價高

By Mark Bittman

A big change in the consumption of a resource that Americans take for granted may be in store – something cheap, plentiful, widely enjoyed and a part of daily life. And it isn’t oil.

It’s meat.

The two commodities share a great deal: Like oil, meat is subsidized by the federal government. Like oil, meat is subject to accelerating demand as nations become wealthier, and this, in turn, sends prices higher. Finally – like oil – meat is something people are encouraged to consume less of, as the toll exacted by industrial production increases, and becomes increasingly visible.

Global demand for meat has multiplied in recent years, encouraged by growing affluence and nourished by the proliferation of huge, confined animal feeding operations. These assembly-line meat factories consume enormous amounts of energy, pollute water supplies, generate significant greenhouse gases and require ever-increasing amounts of corn, soy and other grains, a dependency that has led to the destruction of vast swaths of the world’s tropical rain forests.
近 年來,受到各國日益富裕的刺激,加上大規模圈欄式動物飼養方式普及的助長,全球肉類需求量呈倍數增長。這些生產裝配線式的肉類工廠消耗非常多的能源,汙染 水源供應,產生大量溫室氣體,需要使用的玉米、大豆和其他穀類也越來越多,這種對穀物的依賴,已經導致世界各地大片熱帶雨林遭到毀滅。

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, recently announced emergency measures to halt the burning and cutting of the country’s rain forests for crop and grazing land. In the last five months alone, the government says, 1,250 square miles were lost.

The world’s total meat supply was 64 million metric tons in 1961. In 2007, it was estimated to be 258 million metric tons. Per capita consumption has more than doubled over that period. (In the developing world, it rose twice as fast, doubling in the last 20 years.) World meat consumption is expected to double again by 2050, which one expert, Henning Steinfeld of the United Nations, says is resulting in a “relentless growth in livestock production.”

Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about 227 grams a day, roughly twice the global average. At about 5 percent of the world’s population, we “process” (that is, grow and kill) nearly 10 billion animals a year, more than 15 percent of the world’s total.

An estimated 30 percent of the earth’s ice-free land is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production, according to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which also estimates that livestock production generates nearly a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gases – more than transportation.

Grain, meat and even energy are grouped in a way that could have dire results. More meat means an increase in demand for feed, especially corn and soy, which some experts say will contribute to higher prices.

This will be inconvenient for citizens of wealthier nations, but it could have tragic consequences for those of poorer ones, especially if higher prices for feed divert production away from food crops. The demand for ethanol is already pushing up prices, and explains, in part, the 40 percent rise last year in the food price index calculated by the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization.

Though some 800 million people on the planet now suffer from hunger or malnutrition, the majority of corn and soy grown in the world feeds cattle, pigs and chickens. This despite the inherent inefficiencies: about two to five times more grain is required to produce the same amount of calories through livestock as through direct grain consumption, according to Rosamond Naylor, a professor of economics at Stanford University in California. It is as much as 10 times more in the case of grain-fed beef in the United States.
雖 然現在地球上有八億人口不是捱餓就是營養不良,全世界種植的玉米和大豆卻有大部分成了牛、豬、雞群的飼料。加州史丹福大學經濟學教授羅莎蒙‧奈勒表示,儘 管內含缺乏效率的層面,這種情況持續存在:例如要使吃家畜肉類產生的卡路里跟直接攝取穀物所得的卡路里一樣多,就得消耗大約兩到五倍以上的穀物。若以靠穀 類養大的美國牛肉為例,要消耗的穀物更是十倍以上。

The environmental impact of growing so much grain for animal feed is profound. Agriculture in the United States – much of which now serves the demand for meat – contributes to nearly three-quarters of all water-quality problems in the nation’s rivers and streams.

Because the stomachs of cattle are meant to digest grass, not grain, cattle raised industrially thrive only in the sense that they gain weight quickly. This diet made it possible to remove cattle from their natural environment and encourage the efficiency of mass confinement and slaughter. But it causes enough health problems that administration of antibiotics is routine, so much so that it can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the usefulness of medicines that treat people. It also leads to tainted meat. A California meat company this month issued the largest beef recall in United States history, about 65 million kilograms.
由 於牛的胃天生適合消化青草,而非穀類,工業化方式養的牛隻成長茁壯的唯一意思就是體重快速增加。這種餵食方式能讓牛隻脫離牠們的自然環境,也鼓勵業者大批 圈養與大規模屠宰,以提高生產效率。但是這種作法造成許多衛生問題,業者必須常常為牛群施打抗生素,結果還產生有抗藥性的細菌,恐使治療人類的藥品失去藥 效。肉品也因此受到汙染。加州一家肉品公司這個月發布美國史上最大宗的牛肉召回通知,數量多達6,500萬公斤。

Experts say it is unlikely price spikes will change eating habits, but perhaps the combination of deforestation, pollution, climate change, starvation, heart disease and animal cruelty will gradually encourage the simple daily act of eating more plants and fewer animals.

Mark W. Rosegrant, director of environment and production technology at the nonprofit International Food Policy Research Institute, says he foresees “a stronger public relations campaign in the reduction of meat consumption – one like that around cigarettes – emphasizing personal health, compassion for animals, and doing good for the poor and the planet.”


2008-02-25/聯合報/C3/教育 王先棠 原文請見225日紐時周報頭版右上


研究:二氧化碳濃度增加 威脅珊瑚礁生存

更新日期:2007/12/14 10:05 盧瑞珠

(法新社華盛頓十三日電) 根據今天出版的美國卡內基科學研究雜誌報導指出,如果大氣中的二氧化碳濃度和海水酸度繼續升高,全世界現存的珊瑚礁將在二零五零年前受到嚴重的威脅。







地球暖化不煞車 鯊魚入侵掠食 南極物種恐滅絕

更新日期:2008/02/18 00:27 生活中心綜合報導


南 極大陸長年冰雪覆蓋,攝氏零下幾十度的刺骨寒風,為企鵝創造了最佳生存環境,而在這片冰雪大陸的下面,更是住著各式各樣的珍奇生物,根據科學家的研究,這 些軟體行動緩慢的無脊椎動物,一直是南極海底的主要生物,然而隨著地球暖化,陸上的企鵝和海底的珍貴生物都將面臨生存危機。



暖化範圍擴大 南極海域溫度上升

更新日期:2008/02/18 23:35 陳昶佑

(法新社雪梨十八日電) 澳洲科學家今天說,南極海域出現歷來最長時間的溫度持續變化紀錄,顯示南極海正在暖化,且海平面正在上升。












農委會〞森日樹〞 一人一樹抗暖化

更新日期:2008/02/14 20:07



種樹是好事,但也是門大學問 不能隨意種植,得根據不同的氣候和土壤,選擇適合的樹種。


改善全球暖化 種樹有撇步

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人為破壞嚴重 純淨海洋只剩4%

更新日期:2008/02/16 04:39  王嘉源綜合報導


 「英國廣播公司」新聞網14日報導,國際科學家小組利用將捕魚、沿海開發及航運污染等17項活動的地圖重疊,並把全球海洋以每平方公里劃分為區塊,檢視這17項活動對於海洋影響的各種現有數據,而逐一計算出各區塊的「人為影響指數」(human impact scores),最終繪製出人為海洋危害的綜合圖。






採取行動,遏止極地冰層融化 Taking Action to Stop the Melting Polar Ice

By UK News Group (Originally in English)

“We have passed the tipping points, but, we have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction.” Dr. James Hansen - top climatologist of NASA

許多人都意識到全球暖化已嚴重波及地球的一切生物。畜牧業、燃燒石化能源的工廠、發電廠、汽車和其他各種交通工具,排放出大量的二氧化碳和甲烷等各種氣體,這些氣體使太陽的熱能無法釋放至外太空,而產生溫室效應,造成地球和大氣層的溫度上升。然而很少人知道這種情況正對地球造成立即的影響,您可知從2007 年的9月3日至9日,僅僅六天的時間而已,北極冰層已經有六萬九千平方英里融化消失了?消失的冰塊約為佛羅里達州的面積那麼大。美國太空總署最近發佈的衛星影像顯示,單是2007年夏天,格陵蘭冰原就有五千五百二十億噸的冰融化了。太空總署的氣候科學家傑‧齊瓦利(Jay Zwally)說:「以這種融化的速度,到了2012年夏末時,北冰洋的冰將會消失殆盡,比先前預測的快了許多。」
Many people are aware that global warming has serious implications for all life on our planet. Animal farming, the burning of fossil fuels by factories, power stations, cars and other forms of transport release huge amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases create a “green house” effect by trapping the Sun’s heat and warming our planet and atmosphere. However, few people know of the immediate effect that this is having on our Earth. Did you know that from September 3 to 9, 2007, (in just 6 days) 69,000 square miles of Arctic ice melted and disappeared? That’s a piece of ice the size of the state of Florida, USA. The American space agency, NASA, recently revealed satellite images showing that this summer alone, 552 billion tons of ice had melted from the Greenland ice sheet. NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said, “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

與美國前任副總統艾爾‧高爾(Al Gore)同獲2007年諾貝爾和平獎的跨政府氣候變遷小組(IPCC),正呼籲世人重視這個緊急情況。2008年元月15日星期二,該小組的主席帕卓里博士(Dr. Rajendra Pachauri)在一場記者會上宣佈了這個問題的緊迫程度,並表示「改變生活方式」可遏止氣候變遷,他大聲明確地疾呼:「不吃肉、騎腳踏車、少消費,就可協助遏止全球暖化。」
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with US former Vice-President Al Gore, is bringing attention to this critical situation. On Tuesday, January 15, IPCC Chairman, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, announced at a press conference the urgency of the matter and stated that “lifestyle changes” are one thing that can halt climate change. His message was loud and clear: Don’t eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that’s how you can help put the brake on global warming.

Rising sea level and loss of habitats
Scientists are extremely worried because the melting ice is causing a faster rate of global warming as well as immediate changes in climate and weather systems. The reason is because the sea ice acts as a mirror, reflecting about 80% of the Sun’s heat energy back into space. If you take away this mirror, the Sun’s heat will be absorbed directly into the oceans, raising the water temperature more, which in turn melts more ice and causes more warming of the Earth and the seas.

主持「北極氣候影響評估報告」(Arctic Climate Impact Assessment)的科學家羅伯特‧柯瑞爾(Robert Correll)說:「如果沒有冰層,海洋的溫度將會持續上升,進而加速全球暖化的過程。」事實上,根據華盛頓大學麥可‧史帝爾(Michael Steele)的研究顯示,北冰洋表層在夏天的溫度,創下有史以來最高的紀錄,有些地方還高於常溫達華氏八度之多。
Robert Correll, a scientist who chairs the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, said, “If there is no ice, the ocean is going to continue to heat, and that is going to accelerate the global warming process.” In fact, according to research from University of Washington’s Michael Steele, summer surface temperatures of the Arctic Ocean are the highest ever in recorded history, with some places being 8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

曾任政府各部門首長的地質學家約翰‧亞其森(John Atcheson)表示,極地冰帽融化和隨之而來的海水暖化,可能引起極為嚴重的後果。他的研究指出,四千億噸的甲烷氣被封存於海底下的冰凍層,如果海水溫度上升個幾度的話,這些氣體就會釋放到大氣層中,後果將不堪設想。因為就溫室氣體而言,甲烷的威力是二氧化碳的二十倍,所以這些巨量的甲烷如果釋放到大氣層中,很可能使全球暖化的情況如脫韁的野馬,為地球帶來毀滅性的後果。
The melting of the polar ice caps and the consequent warming of the Earth’s seas could have very serious ramifications according to John Atcheson, a geologist who has headed various government agencies. According to his research, 400,000 million tons of methane gas are trapped in ice structures beneath the ocean floors, which might be released into the atmosphere if the water’s temperature increases by a few degrees. This could be disastrous because methane is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. So, if this massive amount of trapped methane were to be released in to the atmosphere, it would likely cause run-away global warming with devastating consequences for our planet.

全球暖化對海水溫度的影響,已導致海洋中出現「無生命地帶」,這些廣大的水域由於氧氣被剝奪,又釋放出硫化氫這種毒氣,因此已經沒有任何生物了。根據聯合國的報告指出,全球目前已經出現兩百多處「無生命地帶」。有一處出現在太平洋的「無生命地帶」,距離美國奧勒岡州的海岸不遠,其範圍在去年已擴大了四倍。奧勒岡州立大學海洋生物學教授珍‧魯茜科(Jane Lubchenco)表示,這個區域幾乎已經完全缺氧了,當氧氣消失時,一種新細菌就會取而代之,並產生硫化氫這種令大多數海陸生物致命的毒氣。兩個使海水中含氧量降低的主因都與全球暖化有關,其一:由於水溫越來越高,導致海水吸收氧氣的能力變差;其二:洋流和天氣的變化使氧氣無法被帶到該區域;有些科學家更指出,這種情況可能是地球上的海洋即將發生變化的前兆。
Oceanic poisonous gases
The effects of global warming on the sea’s temperatures have lead to the occurrence of “dead zones” in the ocean. These are massive areas of water that have no life due to oxygen deprivation and the release of poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). According to reports from the United Nations, over 200 of these dead zones now exist. One that emerged in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Oregon, USA, in the last year has increased four times in size. Jane Lubchenco, a professor of marine biology at Oregon State University said that there is nearly a complete absence of oxygen in this area. When the oxygen disappears a new bacteria takes over and produces hydrogen sulfide gas, which is lethal to most marine and terrestrial life. The two main reasons for the lower levels of oxygen in the water are both related to global warming: (1) As the water gets warmer it has less ability to absorb oxygen; (2) The disruption of the water currents and weather prevents oxygen being transported to the area. Some scientists say that this could be a sign of things to come for the Earth’s oceans.

值得慶幸的是,扭轉情勢,時猶未晚。研究全球暖化的頂尖專家之一,也是美國太空總署氣候研究的首席科學家詹姆士‧韓森博士(Dr. James Hansen),在最近的一封信函中寫道:「情況尚未到無可挽回的地步,我們仍可及時力挽狂瀾,但是要立即採取行動,趕緊回頭。」許多政府與組織已經在採取行動,並盡力尋求進一步的因應之道。最近在印尼峇里島舉行了一場國際會議,全球各國的外交官代表自己的國家出席會議,大家齊聚一堂努力尋求拯救地球的方法。
We can reverse this!
The good news is that, it’s not too late to turn things around. One of the top experts on global warming and the head of NASA’s climate research, Dr. James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: “We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction.” Various governments and organizations have been taking action and trying to find further solutions. Most recently in Bali, Indonesia, an international conference brought together diplomats representing nations around the world who came together to try and find ways to save the planet.

However, as Dr. Hansen often likes to remind people, the answer is for every person to take personal responsibility for their actions. Hence, changes to our lifestyle are significant. That means taking public transport more and walking or using a bicycle, using bio-fuels instead of fossil fuels, using energy-efficient appliances and unplugging when not in use and buying only what we really need. These are all small steps that every individual can take to save this beautiful planet. The most important change, as emphasized by IPCC Chairman Dr. Pachauri, is to stop eating meat.

So to be part of the solution, encourage everyone to adopt the compassionate and distinctly more “eco-friendly” vegetarian or vegan diet! Let’s make 2008 the year to help preserve our Earth and the lives of all Her inhabitants.

http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iIVBkZpOUA9Hz3Xc2u-61mDlrw0Q http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1215-24.htm http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=3ef937b0-01db-4b32-a7eb-e1256e5b5624&k=3152 http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/01/07/healthscience/ice.phphttp://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=3991705http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GlobalWarming/story?id=3582433&page=1 http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2006/08/12/dead_zone_startles_scientists_graveyard http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_22_167/ai_n14791407 http://www.livescience.com/environment/ap_060727_dead_zone.html

