
素食是遏止全球暖化最有效的方法 Vegetarian Diet, the Most Effective Way to Stop Global Warming

By USA News Group (Originally in English)


Don’t eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that’s how you can help brake global warming. – Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Paris, January 15, 2008 


There are numerous ways that are commonly known to reduce carbon dioxide emissions: reducing fossil fuel usage; engaging in renewable energies such as solar or wind power; reducing, reusing and recycling everyday items; driving a fuel-efficient or alternative energy car; using energy-saving electronics, and others. Yet the most powerful way to stop global warming is to adopt a vegetarian diet!

在聯合國「跨政府氣候變遷小組」(IPCC)於元月15日所召開的記者會上,主席帕卓里博士(Dr. Pachauri)提出警告說:「如果人類不即刻採取行動的話,氣候變遷將導致嚴重的後果。」他也明確指出,遏止氣候變遷的方法就是不吃肉,並改成更環保的生活方式。

In a press conference on January 15, held by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the head of the IPCC, Dr. Pachuari warned that if the human race doesn’t act now, “climate change will have serious impacts.” He also clearly stated that the way to halt climate change is to stop eating meat, and make a change to a greener lifestyle.


The United Nations’ report on livestock and the environment published in 2006 revealed that, “The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental crisis, at every scale from local to global.” Almost a fifth (20 percent) of carbon emissions come from livestock - that’s more emissions than from all of the world’s transportation combined!


Industrialized animal-based agriculture is “astonishingly” the main cause of environmental destruction and greenhouse gas emissions.

飼養動物作為食物,是產生二氧化碳的最大根源之一,同時也是排放甲烷和一氧化二氮的最大來源。全 球9%的二氧化碳、65%的一氧化二氮及37%的甲烷排放,都是肇因於畜牧業所從事的人為相關活動,其中甲烷(溫室效應為二氧化碳的20倍)和一氧化二氮 (溫室效應為二氧化碳的296倍)兩者都是比二氧化碳更具破壞力的溫室氣體。畜牧業也產生64%的人為氨氣,這種氣體對酸雨的形成難辭其咎。

Raising animals for food is one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide and the single largest source of both methane and nitrous oxide emissions. The livestock sector accounts for 9 percent of carbon dioxide, 65 percent of nitrous oxide and 37 percent of methane produced from human-related activities. Both methane (20 times) and nitrous oxide (296 times) are considerably more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. Livestock also generates 64 percent of human-related ammonia, which contributes to acid rain.

畜牧業也是破壞、污染土地與水源的最大元凶,目前牲畜養殖就佔用了地球30%的土地,而且有更多的土地與水資源被用於種植牲畜的飼料。負責為聯合國糧農組織撰寫報告書的資深作家史坦菲爾先生(Mr. Steinfeld),在「牲畜長遠的陰影:環境問題與選擇」(Livestock's Long Shadow–Environmental Issues and Options)一文指出:「畜牧業是濫伐森林的元凶…亞馬遜原有的森林中有70%都變成了牧場。」此外,畜牧業更是破壞土地的罪魁禍首,約有20%的牧場用地因過度放牧、密集飼養牲畜與遭受侵蝕,地力被破壞殆盡。畜牧業也消耗並污染了大量的水資源,單是在美國,每年就有數兆加侖的灌溉用水,用來種植牲畜的飼料,約佔美國淡水資源的85%。而牲畜產生的大量排泄物,也令生態系統難以負荷

It is also a major source of land and water damage and pollution. Livestock currently use 30 percent of the Earth’s land surface, and even more land and water is used to grow the feed for livestock. According to Mr. Steinfeld, the senior author of the Food and Agriculture Organization report, Livestock’s Long Shadow–Environmental Issues and Options, livestock is the “major driver of deforestation … some 70 percent of former forests in the Amazon have been turned over to grazing.” In addition, animal-based agriculture causes land degradation. About 20 percent of pastures are degraded through overgrazing, compaction and erosion. It is also responsible for vast water consumption and pollution. In the USA alone, trillions of gallons of irrigation water is used to grow crops to feed animals annually. This is about 85 percent of the USA’s fresh water resources. Animals also generate excessive amounts of biological waste for the ecosystem to take.


Water consumption in generating one kilo of food in US
animal-based agriculture

1 kg of meat

Water (liter)













除了破壞環境和生態系統之外,不難估算出畜牧業是最浪費能源的產業; 人們耗費了龐大的能源,只為了將牲畜變成餐桌上的肉食。而且生產一公斤的肉,也會排放36.4公斤的二氧化碳。根據計算,生產一卡熱量的黃豆蛋白質僅需兩 卡的石化能源,玉米或小麥則需要三卡;然而生產一卡熱量的牛肉蛋白質,卻需消耗54卡的石油能源!

Besides the damages to the environment and ecosystem, it is not hard to calculate that animal-based agriculture is the least energy-efficient practice; it takes enormous energy to convert livestock to meat on people’s dining table. Producing one kilogram of meat causes carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 36.4 kilos. It is calculated that to produce one calorie of protein takes only two calories of fossil fuel for soybean, three calories for corn and wheat, but it takes 54 calories of petroleum energy for beef protein!


It means it takes 27 times as much fossil fuel energy to make a hamburger as it takes to make a soy burger!


n combination of energy cost, water consumption, land usage, environmental pollution, ecosystem disruption, it is not surprising to learn that one meat-based diet could feed 15 plant-based diets or more.

去年,芝加哥大學地球物理科學系的研究員吉登‧埃胥爾(Gidon Eshel)和潘蜜拉‧瑪汀(Pamela Martin)的研究,也顯示了食物生產和環境問題之間的關聯。他們將生產紅肉、魚肉、禽肉、牛奶和蛋類所產生的溫室氣體加以量化,並與生產純素糧食所產 生的溫室氣體量對照,結果發現,從標準的美式飲食轉換成蔬食,每人每年可以減少1.5公噸的溫室氣體排放。相較之下,從豐田Camry轎車轉換成豐田Prius油電混合車,則可減少約1公噸的二氧化碳排放量。

Last year, researchers from the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago, Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin, also disclosed the connections between food production and environmental problems. They quantified the greenhouse gas consequences of red meat, fish, poultry, milk and eggs, and compared those numbers to a vegan diet. They found that switching from the standard American diet to a plant-based diet could result in preventing an extra ton and a half of greenhouse emissions per person per year. By contrast, switching from a standard sedan like a Toyota Camry to a hybrid Toyota Prius saves about one ton of CO2 emissions.


假設熱量攝取相等,與純素飲食相比,以各種肉類為主的飲食會使溫室氣體所造成的負荷雪上加霜。為了便於比較, 右圖亦列出不同款式汽車在排放溫室氣體方面的差異。




The greenhouse gas burdens
exerted by various animal-based diets compared to a vegan diet of the same caloric intake. For comparison, the differences in greenhouse gas emissions among various car models are also shown.

For example, a mixed-meat diet, which combines red meat with poultry and fish, matches the emissions disparity between a Suburban and a Camry when caloric intake from animal sources reaches 47 percent.

抉擇就在你的廚房裡:儘管人們無視於畜牧業罔顧道德的殘酷行為,遏止氣候變遷的緊迫程度與作法已昭然若揭,這不只是素食者或環保人士的說法而已,目 前聯合國「跨政府氣候變遷小組」的主席帕卓里博士已告知世人,吃肉對我們的星球有害,我們應該停止吃肉以扭轉情勢;然而這有賴於人們作出正確的抉擇。我們 每個人都有責任使地球變得更涼爽、更潔淨、更健康,方法很簡單,只要從自家廚房開始做起,也就是選擇吃素,並協助扭轉氣候變遷的頹勢。

The choice is right in your kitchen: Even if one chooses to close their eyes to the ethical cruelty in animal-based agriculture, the urgency of stopping climate change and how to do it is clear. And it’s not just the vegetarians or environmentalists who are saying it; now the head of an international body, Dr. Pachauri, has announced to the world that the effects of meat-eating are detrimental to our planet and that we should stop eating meat in order to turn things around. Yet it comes down to people’s choice. We’re all responsible for a cooler, cleaner and healthier Earth. So simply start in your kitchen: choose a vegetarian diet and help reverse climate change.





更新日期:2008/01/21 11:22

(路透南極特洛站20日電)挪威總理史托騰柏格(Jens Stoltenberg )訪問冰雪遍地的南極大陸之後於今天表示,警鐘正在提醒我們南極大陸冰雪加速融化的危險。南極冰雪融化可能讓全球海平面升高。


史托騰柏格結束為期2天的挪威特洛研究站(Troll station)訪問行程後告訴路透:「情況令人擔憂。決策者忽視這些徵兆是不負責任的。」特洛研究站位於南極東部。

挪威上週訂定一個遠大目標,希望在2030年以前成為「碳平衡」(carbon neutral)的國家,也就是將燃燒石化燃料後的廢氣排放量減到0。

然而挪威的計畫包括計入大森林的計算方法,因為目前聯合國的規定不允許各國將森林計入碳平衡計畫,使得挪威這項措施引起爭議。這種計算方法是,森林能夠吸收 溫室效應氣體,計算森林就能得出吸收總量,作為抵消石化燃料廢氣的依據。



Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler

Finally someone tells the truth!

There is a great article "Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler" on the front page of the 'Week in Review' section in today's NY Times. The Times made sure that it pointed out the author "is not a vegetarian". It's a good article to be forwarded to people we know. Here is the link to the article:


The New York Times, Sunday, January 27, 2008

The World

Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler


A SEA change in the consumption of a resource that Americans take for granted may be in store — something cheap, plentiful, widely enjoyed and a part of daily life. And it isn't oil. Skip to next paragraphIt's meat.

The two commodities share a great deal: Like oil, meat is subsidized by the federal government. Like oil, meat is subject to accelerating demand as nations become wealthier, and this, in turn, sends prices higher. Finally — like oil — meat is something people are encouraged to consume less of, as the toll exacted by industrial production increases, and becomes increasingly visible.

Global demand for meat has multiplied in recent years, encouraged by growing affluence and nourished by the proliferation of huge, confined animal feeding operations. These assembly-line meat factories consume enormous amounts of energy, pollute water supplies, generate significant greenhouse gases and require ever-increasing amounts of corn, soy and other grains, a dependency that has led to the destruction of vast swaths of the world's tropical rain forests.

Just this week, the president of Brazil announced emergency measures to halt the burning and cutting of the country's rain forests for crop and grazing land. In the last five months alone, the government says, 1,250 square miles were lost.

The world's total meat supply was 71 million tons in 1961. In 2007, it was estimated to be 284 million tons. Per capita consumption has more than doubled over that period. (In the developing world, it rose twice as fast, doubling in the last 20 years.) World meat consumption is expected to double again by 2050, which one expert, Henning Steinfeld of the United Nations, says is resulting in a "relentless growth in livestock production."

Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about eight ounces a day, roughly twice the global average. At about 5 percent of the world's population, we "process" (that is, grow and kill) nearly 10 billion animals a year, more than 15 percent of the world's total.

Growing meat (it's hard to use the word "raising" when applied to animals in factory farms) uses so many resources that it's a challenge to enumerate them all. But consider: an estimated 30 percent of the earth's ice-free land is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production, according to the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization, which also estimates that livestock production generates nearly a fifth of the world's greenhouse gases — more than transportation.

To put the energy-using demand of meat production into easy-to-understand terms, Gidon Eshel, a geophysicist at the Bard Center, and Pamela A. Martin, an assistant professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago, calculated that if Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 20 percent it would be as if we all switched from a standard sedan — a Camry, say — to the ultra-efficient Prius. Similarly, a study last year by the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Japan estimated that 2.2 pounds of beef is responsible for the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the average European car every 155 miles, and burns enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for nearly 20 days.

Grain, meat and even energy are roped together in a way that could have dire results. More meat means a corresponding increase in demand for feed, especially corn and soy, which some experts say will contribute to higher prices.

This will be inconvenient for citizens of wealthier nations, but it could have tragic consequences for those of poorer ones, especially if higher prices for feed divert production away from food crops. The demand for ethanol is already pushing up prices, and explains, in part, the 40 percent rise last year in the food price index calculated by the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization.

Though some 800 million people on the planet now suffer from hunger or malnutrition, the majority of corn and soy grown in the world feeds cattle, pigs and chickens. This despite the inherent inefficiencies: about two to five times more grain is required to produce the same amount of calories through livestock as through direct grain consumption, according to Rosamond Naylor, an associate professor of economics at Stanford University. It is as much as 10 times more in the case of grain-fed beef in the United States.

The environmental impact of growing so much grain for animal feed is profound. Agriculture in the United States — much of which now serves the demand for meat — contributes to nearly three-quarters of all water-quality problems in the nation's rivers and streams, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Because the stomachs of cattle are meant to digest grass, not grain, cattle raised industrially thrive only in the sense that they gain weight quickly. This diet made it possible to remove cattle from their natural environment and encourage the efficiency of mass confinement and slaughter. But it causes enough health problems that administration of antibiotics is routine, so much so that it can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the usefulness of medicines that treat people.

Those grain-fed animals, in turn, are contributing to health problems among the world's wealthier citizens — heart disease, some types of cancer, diabetes. The argument that meat provides useful protein makes sense, if the quantities are small. But the "you gotta eat meat" claim collapses at American levels. Even if the amount of meat we eat weren't harmful, it's way more than enough.

Americans are downing close to 200 pounds of meat, poultry and fish per capita per year (dairy and eggs are separate, and hardly insignificant), an increase of 50 pounds per person from 50 years ago. We each consume something like 110 grams of protein a day, about twice the federal government's recommended allowance; of that, about 75 grams come from animal protein. (The recommended level is itself considered by many dietary experts to be higher than it needs to be.) It's likely that most of us would do just fine on around 30 grams of protein a day, virtually all of it from plant sources .

What can be done? There's no simple answer. Better waste management, for one. Eliminating subsidies would also help; the United Nations estimates that they account for 31 percent of global farm income. Improved farming practices would help, too. Mark W. Rosegrant, director of environment and production technology at the nonprofit International Food Policy Research Institute, says, "There should be investment in livestock breeding and management, to reduce the footprint needed to produce any given level of meat."

Skip to next paragraphThen there's technology. Israel and Korea are among the countries experimenting with using animal waste to generate electricity. Some of the biggest hog operations in the United States are working, with some success, to turn manure into fuel.

Longer term, it no longer seems lunacy to believe in the possibility of "meat without feet" — meat produced in vitro, by growing animal cells in a super-rich nutrient environment before being further manipulated into burgers and steaks.

Another suggestion is a return to grazing beef, a very real alternative as long as you accept the psychologically difficult and politically unpopular notion of eating less of it. That's because grazing could never produce as many cattle as feedlots do. Still, said Michael Pollan, author of the recent book "In Defense of Food," "In places where you can't grow grain, fattening cows on grass is always going to make more sense."

But pigs and chickens, which convert grain to meat far more efficiently than beef, are increasingly the meats of choice for producers, accounting for 70 percent of total meat production, with industrialized systems producing half that pork and three-quarters of the chicken.

Once, these animals were raised locally (even many New Yorkers remember the pigs of Secaucus), reducing transportation costs and allowing their manure to be spread on nearby fields. Now hog production facilities that resemble prisons more than farms are hundreds of miles from major population centers, and their manure "lagoons" pollute streams and groundwater. (In Iowa alone, hog factories and farms produce more than 50 million tons of excrement annually.)

These problems originated here, but are no longer limited to the United States. While the domestic demand for meat has leveled off, the industrial production of livestock is growing more than twice as fast as land-based methods, according to the United Nations.

Perhaps the best hope for change lies in consumers' becoming aware of the true costs of industrial meat production. "When you look at environmental problems in the U.S.," says Professor Eshel, "nearly all of them have their source in food production and in particular meat production. And factory farming is 'optimal' only as long as degrading waterways is free. If dumping this stuff becomes costly — even if it simply carries a non-zero price tag — the entire structure of food production will change dramatically."

Animal welfare may not yet be a major concern, but as the horrors of raising meat in confinement become known, more animal lovers may start to react. And would the world not be a better place were some of the grain we use to grow meat directed instead to feed our fellow human beings?

Real prices of beef, pork and poultry have held steady, perhaps even decreased, for 40 years or more (in part because of grain subsidies), though we're beginning to see them increase now. But many experts, including Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University, say they don't believe meat prices will rise high enough to affect demand in the United States.

"I just don't think we can count on market prices to reduce our meat consumption," he said. "There may be a temporary spike in food prices, but it will almost certainly be reversed and then some. But if all the burden is put on eaters, that's not a tragic state of affairs."

If price spikes don't change eating habits, perhaps the combination of deforestation, pollution, climate change, starvation, heart disease and animal cruelty will gradually encourage the simple daily act of eating more plants and fewer animals.

Mr. Rosegrant of the food policy research institute says he foresees "a stronger public relations campaign in the reduction of meat consumption — one like that around cigarettes — emphasizing personal health, compassion for animals, and doing good for the poor and the planet."

It wouldn't surprise Professor Eshel if all of this had a real impact. "The good of people's bodies and the good of the planet are more or less perfectly aligned," he said.

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, in its detailed 2006 study of the impact of meat consumption on the planet, "Livestock's Long Shadow," made a similar point: "There are reasons for optimism that the conflicting demands for animal products and environmental services can be reconciled. Both demands are exerted by the same group of people ... the relatively affluent, middle- to high-income class, which is no longer confined to industrialized countries. ... This group of consumers is probably ready to use its growing voice to exert pressure for change and may be willing to absorb the inevitable price increases."

In fact, Americans are already buying more environmentally friendly products, choosing more sustainably produced meat, eggs and dairy. The number of farmers' markets has more than doubled in the last 10 years or so, and it has escaped no one's notice that the organic food market is growing fast. These all represent products that are more expensive but of higher quality.

If those trends continue, meat may become a treat rather than a routine. It won't be uncommon, but just as surely as the S.U.V. will yield to the hybrid, the half-pound-a-day meat era will end.

Maybe that's not such a big deal. "Who said people had to eat meat three times a day?" asked Mr. Pollan.

聯合國:融冰減少太陽能量反射 暖化加劇

更新日期:2007/06/04 21:50 陳昶佑

(法新社挪威特琅索四日電) 聯合國今天公布報告警告,地球冰雪融解正讓全球暖化的影響加速,可能對人類、經濟與野生物帶來廣泛衝擊。









食物背後的真相 The Truth behind Your Food

紐西蘭奧克蘭杜慧明 (原文為英文)By sister-initiate Hui-Ming Toh, Auckland, New Zealand (Originally in English)

Would you ever open your fridge, pull out twenty plates of pasta and chuck them into the bin, and then, eat only one plate of food? How about leveling fifty-five square feet of rainforest for one lunch or dumping two-thousand-five-hundred gallons of water down the drain? Of course you wouldn't. However, just eating half a kilo of meat will cause this. Eating meat will cause inefficient use and destruction to our resources and environment, cause immense animal suffering, and have detrimental effects on our health. So, if roasting a dog to complement your mashed potato disturbs you, then why roast any other gentle animal?

(廢料湖方圓農場是猶他州一家豬肉供應商,擁有一個三百萬加侖的廢料湖。一九九五年,北卡羅來納州這種廢料湖排放至河川和湖泊時就曾造成環境的災難。 )
Waste Lagoon:Circle Four Farms, a Utah-based pork producer, hosts a three-million gallon waste lagoon. When lagoons like this spill into rivers and lakes as happened in North Carolina in 1995, the result can be environmentally catastrophic.

A UN report has identified that “cows not cars, are the top threat to our environment.” It gives evidence that the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle is the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. Farmed animals produce one-hundred-and-thirty times more excrement than the entire human population of the United States and this concentrated slop ends up polluting water, destroying top soil and contaminating our air. Furthermore, their bodily gas and manure emit more than one third of methane, which warms the world twenty times faster than carbon dioxide. Meat-eaters are responsible for the production of one hundred percent of these wastes which is about eighty-six-thousand pounds per second. But, by giving up animal products, you will be responsible for none of these.

Moreover, our taste for meat is taking a toll on our supply of non-renewable resources. A staggering two-thousand-five-hundred gallons of water is needed for the production of each pound of beef, but, in contrast, it takes only twenty-nine gallons to produce a pound of tomatoes and a hundred-and-thirty-nine gallons for a pound of whole wheat bread. Half the water, eighty percent of agricultural land in the United States, almost all the soy bean harvest and over half of the world's grain is used to raise animals for food. While we are doing this, one billion people are suffering from hunger and malnutrition and twenty-four-thousand children die every day alongside fields of grain destined for the West's livestock. However, world starvation would be eliminated if our scarce resources were utilized efficiently by converting land to raising crops for feeding people.

(索馬利亞饑荒:索馬利亞的饑荒根源於食物的短缺。製造一磅牛肉需要四點八磅穀類,近代農業評論報導指出:肉食的推廣加重了世界的饑荒。 )
Somali Famine Victims:Somalian famine victims line up for food handouts. Producing a pound of beef requires 4.8 pounds of grain, and critics of our modern agricultural system say that the spread of meat-based diets aggravates world hunger.

Are you aware that one-hundred-and-thirty million animals are murdered annually in New Zealand? Most animals are raised on factory farms, the system which strives to maximize output at minimum costs. As a result, the animals suffer immense pain mentally and physically every second of their lives. They are crammed into filthy windowless confinement systems and will never raise their families, rummage in the soil or do anything that is natural to them. They won't even feel the sun on their backs or breathe fresh air until the day they are loaded onto trucks, destined for slaughter. Over ninety million animals in New Zealand suffer these conditions and many remain conscious as their throats are cut, then, left to bleed to death.

Another cruel practice farmers often carry out is the deprivation of food from birds for fourteen days in order to shock their bodies into laying more eggs for human consumption. And, because male chicks are useless in the meat industry, each year a hundred million of them are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate. What's more, at the slaughter house, the chickens throats are cut, and they are immersed in scalding hot water to remove their feathers while many are still alive.

Even nowadays, to mark cows for identification, ranchers push hot fire irons into their flesh as they bellow in pain. Consequently, third degree burns occur and male calves' testicles are ripped from their scrotums all without pain relief. To add to their suffering, the land which cattle graze on has air saturated with chemicals and these fumes cause chronic respiratory problems, therefore making breathing painful.

Cows used for their milk are repeatedly impregnated and their babies taken away so that humans can drink the milk intended for the calves. They are hooked up to machines several times daily and using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, they are forced to produce ten times more milk as they naturally would. This contributes to the immensely painful inflammation of their udder which up to fifty percent of dairy cows suffer from.

現今,對於工廠化養殖場的動物,沒有法令保護他們免於殘酷的虐待,而這些行為若加諸在家庭寵物身上,則屬違法,例如:疏於照顧、致殘、基因操控、導致長期痛苦和殘害的施藥、及殘暴的屠宰。小說家兼詩人羅伯特‧路易士‧史蒂文生(Robert Louis Stevenson)說:「我們吃下與我們具有相似慾望、熱情與器官的動物屍體。」我們疼愛狗兒、貓咪,視他們為夥伴,然而,農場動物的智能與感受痛苦的能力並不亞於這些寵物。
Animals on today's factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on household pets: neglect, mutilation, genetic manipulation, and drug programs that cause chronic pain and crippling and, violent slaughter. Robert Louis Stevenson, a novelist and poet said, “We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions and organs with our own.” Yet, farmed animals are no less intelligent or capable of feeling pain than are the dogs and cats we cherish as companions.

這一點可以經由一些常見的報導來證實,例如:牛隻跳過六英尺高的圍籬,逃離了屠宰場,然後走了七哩路,只為了與小牛團聚,接著他們一起游泳渡河奔向自由。豬也是一樣;英國政府的科學顧問唐納德‧布魯姆博士(Dr. Donald Broom)發現豬是具有洞察力的動物:「豬具有很高的認知能力,因此會顯得相當世故,他們的認知能力甚至比狗還高,當然也高於三歲小孩。」
This is demonstrated by the frequent reports of cows leaping over a six-foot fence to escape a slaughterhouse, walking seven miles to be reunited with a calf and swimming across a river to freedom. Pigs, too, are insightful animals as discovered by Dr. Donald Broom, scientific advisor to the British government - “[Pigs] have the cognitive ability to be quite sophisticated. Even more so than dogs and certainly three-year-olds.”

為了要拯救地球,減少人類及動物的苦難,你所能採取的最重要行動就是吃素。富含複合碳水化合物、蛋白質、纖維素、omega-3多元不飽和脂肪酸、維他命及礦物質的素食餐飲,可以提供我們最理想的營養,並奠下良好的飲食習慣基礎,讓我們享有健康的人生。柯林‧坎貝爾教授(Professor T. Colin Campbell)所著的《中國研究》(The China Study)一書,也提出許多有力的證據:「在未來十年中,你一定會得知一項訊息:動物性蛋白質是所有食物中最具毒性的營養素…只要飲食中含有少量的動物性蛋白質,就會大大地提高罹患疾病的風險。」根據研究顯示,吃素的小孩比同儕具有更高的智商,而素食者的平均壽命也比肉食者長六至十年。此外,他們罹患心臟病和癌症的機率減少了百分之五十。肉食者過胖的情況,則比素食者高出九倍。素食提供我們所需的全部營養,且不含飽和脂肪、膽固醇和污染物。
The most important step you can take to save our planet and diminish both human and animal suffering is to go vegetarian. A meat free diet rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, omega-three, vitamins and minerals provides optimal nutrition, forming the foundation for dietary habits that support a lifetime of good health. Compelling evidence can be found in the book “The China Study” by Professor T. Colin Campbell which says, “in the next ten years, one of the things you're bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all…risk for disease goes up dramatically when even a little animal protein is added to the diet.” Studies have shown that vegetarian kids have higher IQs than their classmates and vegetarians live, on average, six to ten years longer than meat-eaters. In addition to this, they are fifty percent less likely to develop heart disease and cancer, plus, meat eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than vegans are. Vegetarian foods provide us with all the nutrients we need, minus the saturated fat, cholesterol, and contaminants.

Conversely, many argue that plants are alive too. This is true, but plants have only ten percent consciousness while animals have consciousness equivalent to humans. Since plants cannot locomote, the sensation of experiencing pain would be superfluous. Thus, plants differ completely physiologically from mammals. If you cut a branch or leaves off a tree, it will flourish and grow more. On the other hand, animals do not desire regular pruning. Can you cut off a leg from a cow and expect it to grow four more legs?

Raising animals for food is wreaking havoc on Earth. The environment, resources and our health are deteriorating and although most of us do not actively condone killing, humans have developed the habit, supported by society, of eating meat without any real awareness of what is being done to the animals we eat. It is said that, “one visit to a slaughterhouse will make you a vegetarian for life. Because it is us who created their screams of pain and fear.” So, if you ever decide to roast a gentle animal again…remember you are consuming the flesh of one equivalent to your much loved pets. But, the only difference is that this animal was tortured.

There are many shocking pictures on the following websites:http://www.goveg.com/photos.asphttp://www.viva.org.uk/photogallery/galleryindex.htm
Please find global maps on livestock's environmental impact through following link :http://www.virtualcentre.org/en/library/key_pub/longshad/a0701e/A0701E09a.pdf

雨林 - 綠色地球的肺
Rainforests - the green lungs of the Earth

焚燒雨林 破壞自然生態系統
Burning the rainforests destroys a natural ecosystem

枯萎和荒蕪之地 是幾個漢堡付出的代價!
This scorched and barren landscape is the cost of just a few hamburgers!

* The author is a 17-year-old student in her final year of secondary school. The article was an internal assessment for which she was awarded the top grade of excellence.



《六度的變化:一個愈來愈熱星球的未來 》



升高攝氏二度,從鯖魚到鬚鯨淘汰出局,格陵蘭冰原徹底消融,全球海平面升高 七米 。


升高攝氏四度,整個北冰洋冰帽也會消失,全球海平面會又提高 五米 ,倫敦周邊夏季氣溫將達攝氏四十五度。




新聞來源東森新聞( 2007/12/12 ):http://www.ettoday.com/2007/12/12/91-2200910.htm


清海無上師與全球科學家鄭重呼籲.....全球緊急行動,拯救我們的星球 !

鑑於最近諸多科學報告,紛紛呼籲大眾關注氣候變遷和我們星球的未來,「無上師電視台」對此非常重視,元月 21日特別敬邀 清海無上師討論這些議題與解決之道; 清海無上師雖日理萬機,仍撥冗應邀 通過電話會議回答問題。

近日 清海無上師告訴我們世界會會員,我們的星球岌岌可危。她提到地球需要維持平衡,而許多頂尖科學家也所見略同。根據美國南加州大學的研究,在二億五千萬年前,也發生過一次類似的情況,影響了無數的動、植物,造成九成地球物種滅絕。當問及目前全球氣候變遷是否可比擬地球歷史上像這樣的事件時, 無上師 回答:"是的。"因為溫度升高會導致大量海底有毒氣體釋放到空氣中,導致物種滅絕。華盛頓大學 與賓州州立大學的 研究都得出同樣的結論。

電視台問無上師:"是否有什訊息想要傳達 給世界的領袖們?"

師父說:" 我會告訴他們 運用他們莫大的力量來改變大眾 食習慣 並立刻採用可再生能源 自己也以身作則吃素或吃全素 他們必須帶頭吃素

然後正運用他們的力量 就像他們實施禁 他們也可以禁止吃肉 吃肉對人類與地球所造成的所有傷害









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Teleconference on climate change with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

In light of recent scientific reports that are heightening concerns on climate change and our planet’s future, Supreme Master Television has great concern, thus we respectfully invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to a discussion on current issues and solutions. Despite her busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously granted a teleconference to address our questions.

Recently, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared with our Association members the dire situation of our planet. She spoke of the need for the Earth to maintain its equilibrium, a view shared by many leading scientists.

According to a study by the University of Southern California in the US, a similar phenomenon occurred once before already, affecting countless plant and animal species 250 million years ago.

They say that 250 million years back, 90% of Earth’s species
were already destroyed.


So, is this climate change comparable to anything else in the history of the Earth?

Do you mean because of the gas?


Well, it will be similar. Gas is gas.

Thanks Master.

You’re welcome.

Halo Master.


I wanted to ask if you have a message for the leaders of the world.

I would say to them to use their mighty power to change the diet of the planet. And adopt immediately, renewable energy. And set an example by themselves by becoming a vegetarian or vegan.

They first have to be vegetarian and then they use their power truly. Like the way they forbid smoking.

They could do that in forbidding meat as well. By citing all the harm that meat would do to humans and the planet.

As the conference drew to a close, the call to global action was made very clear.
What was equally certain was that saving the planet depends on how soon those actions are taken.

Are the effects of what we have done to the planet reversible in regards to climate change?

Oh well, to some extent, if the government and the people in the world act fast, maybe we can reverse somehow. But I think not so quickly 100%, like the primordial of the world before.


If we act fast, then the world will not get worse. And then the Earth will be more protected, then maybe some damage will be recovered.

I wish really that we have the planet, we continue to live, and the children grow up in a better environment.

But it’s up to humanity to decide what they want and which direction they turn.

Master, another question is, if you had a message for the world, what would it be?

That I love them very much.

We sincerely thank

Supreme Master Ching Hai for your deep love and faith in humanity for the future of our planet. We are grateful for your taking the time to share your insights, which truly give us inspiration and hope.We pray that together, our efforts for the planet may help to create a lasting, healthy environment for our current and future generations.

In their new book “Diet, Energy and Global Warming,” researchers at the University of Chicago state that


It’s not just the technologies. Because the karma is more important than just the technology.

So we have to meditate on vegetarianism, you know, for all the people to have peace and to be vegetarian and the technology add into it as well.


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Arctic sea ice 'melts to all-time low'



研究:緩和全球暖化很簡單 少吃肉就可以了

更新日期:2007/09/13 14:35

(法新社巴黎十三日電) 英國權威醫學雜誌「刺胳針」在網路刊出報告指出,富裕國家的人民如果能把肉類攝取量限制在平均每人每天一個漢堡,就可以有效緩和全球暖化問題。














科學家: 北極冰帽溶解速度創下空前紀錄

更新日期:2007/12/14 19:35

(法新社華盛頓十三日電) 美國科學家在本週的一項會議上說,北極冰帽今年年中以空前的速度溶解,消失的區域約等於阿拉斯加州的面積。










1979 北極冰帽

2003 北極冰帽


氣溫再持繼上升會造成海底毒氣大量噴出, 地球物種滅絕!緊急呼救,開始吃素,加入環保!

氣溫再持繼上升, 會造成海底毒氣大量噴出, 地球物種滅絕.


科學家找到2.51億年前『物種大滅絕』罪魁禍首 2007.11.27

http://tech.big5.enorth.com.cn/system/2007/11/27/002399340.shtml (中)
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/11/071126-mass-extinction_2.html (英 English)


生物大滅絕另有真凶! 科學人雜誌2006年11月號 
他們的研究指出,二疊紀末期這種海水湧升流產生的硫化氫,足以使陸地與海洋生物的滅絕。 至於下一次溫室滅絕會多快發生?將是世人永遠無法回答的問題。

海底噴發有毒氣體危及魚類生存 2004-02-09

海底“無魚區”揭秘 2004-07-09


改變生活方式 有助減緩全球暖化


研究顯示,生產一公斤的肉,會排放三十六點四公斤的二氧化碳。 此外,畜養和運送一公斤牛肉、羊肉和豬肉所消耗的能源,相當於點亮一個一百瓦的燈泡將近三個星期。帕卓里列舉人們所能貢獻抑制暖化的做法時,讚揚巴黎和其他法國城市提供的公共腳踏車租借系統,是一項「美好發展」。



Lifestyle changes can curb climate change: IPCC chief

PARIS (AFP) — Don't eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that's how you can help brake global warming, the head of the United Nation's Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate change said Tuesday.

Read full news here: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iIVBkZpOUA9Hz3Xc2u-61mDlrw0Q