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近年來,德國飲食文化已有更迭,有機飲食文化興起。一向以肉食聞名的德國餐點已不再受德國人歡迎,因為生態環境的改變,動物感染事件時有所聞,愈來愈多德國人改吃素食,更多的德國人改吃生機食品。 根據統計,50年來德國人肉類攝取量增加了一倍,每人每年平均食用61公斤肉食,為歐盟國家的前幾名,但物極必反,近來愈來愈多德國人放棄肉食,或者成為生機飲食的常客。 不啃香腸 改喝豆漿 德國營養學家也注意到德國人飲食習慣的改變,營養學家艾斯曼表示,因為民生日常用品和狂牛病等動物感染醜聞頻傳,很多德國人改吃蜂蜜、蛋乳和豆類產品, 「十幾年前沒有人想得到,豆類產品如豆漿和豆腐可以在歐洲如此受歡迎。」曾幾何時,德國人不再大口吃肉和啃香腸了,而各大超市皆可買到豆漿。 按照「國際素食者聯盟」的一項統計,全德的素食者已達8%,約700萬人。德國素食者對生態環境的議題深為關切,尤其對動物飼養的方式感到不妥及不滿,這是德國人改吃素食的最大原因。 另外,歐洲人長年來保護動物意識不斷增長,此事亦對食肉主義產生極大衝擊,食肉與愛護有靈魂的生物一事,造成倫理上的基本予盾。 而同時,有機飲食文化大量興起。所謂有機食品的規定十分嚴格:非經基因改造,未施用農藥及人工肥料及廢水汙泥所生產的食品,而肉類則不准注射抗生素及生長激素。 九成家庭 都曾吃過 八十年代的有機食品顧客多為蓄長髮背布包的環保支持者。今天,中產階級及高教育高收入的家庭成為主要客戶群,而尤以年輕人和年輕家庭為主力,因為有機食品 的價格昂貴,一般中下以下階級無法負擔。不過,有機食品文化滲透力甚強,最近已鋪貨到一般超市。一項非正式統計顯示,去年,90%的德國家庭至少購買過一 次有機食品,這趨勢正在上揚。 德國有機食品使用者多半是長期顧客,其中有不少對全球化運動所帶來的社會不公充滿自覺,他們也是「公平產品交易」(Fairtrade)的支持者。公平產品交易有別於一般資本主義定義下的交易。 |
有機食品當道 德國人改吃素
正本:聯合國 秘書長 潘基文
副本:聯合國糧食及農業組織 董事長 Jacques Diouf博士
世界衛生組織 董事長 瑪格利特.陳 博士
Jens Holm:歐盟瑞士成員
「世界食物安全的羅馬聲明」在1996年重申了「民眾得以享有對安全和營養食物的權利」。 簽字者也承諾他們的政治意願-「根除所有國家的飢餓」。
以人道的名義而言,一個負責任的全球性社區不能再供給,以耗費7-16 kg穀物或大豆,上至15,500公升的水和323 m2放牧土地,只為能支付生產一公斤牛肉的產品。為全部的絶望需求者保全食物,是更能接受及持續的大方向。
所有飢餓的人,幾百萬的素食者及那些選擇有益健康方式以取代消極傳統飲食者,他們有權去期待決策者、政府和國際機構為所有可利用的選擇,包含素食主 義做一個科學的調查。這種資源-和救生生活方式,是公正的研究和增進努力的價值,不能持續是因為它的潛在性決定了在人道的偏好上食物對飼料的激烈爭議。
Sign this petition! If you have any questions or remarks to this petition please contact: info (at) evana.org
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
FAO - Director General Dr. Jacques Diouf
WHO - Director General Dr. Margaret Chan
Launched by:
- Jens Holm, Swedish Member of the European Parliament
- Swiss Union for Vegetarianism
- European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)
Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
In 1996, the “Rome Declaration of World Food Security” reaffirmed “the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food“. The signatories also pledged their political will “to eradicate hunger in all countries.”
In 2008, malnutrition and starvation in many parts of the world are not only increasing but are set to reach new peaks of suffering. Dwindling and wasted crops, soaring prices, unsustainable farming practices are just some of the factors which combine to put vulnerable people at life-threatening risks.
It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year, huge percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals.
In the name of humanity, a responsible global community can no longer afford to invest 7-16 kg of grain or soya beans, up to 15,500 liters of water, and 323 m2 of grazing land in the production of just one kilo of beef for those with the means to pay for it. More accessible and sustainable avenues to secure food for all are desperately needed.
Unfortunately, even though the experts of the FAO consider 'Livestock a major threat to environment', they merely recommend different farming techniques, some of which entail the risk of damaging an already vulnerable environment even more, perhaps beyond repair.
All hungry people, many million of vegetarians and those looking for wholesome alternatives to destructive traditions have the right to expect from decision makers, governments and international bodies a scientific investigation of all available options, including vegetarianism. This resource- and life-saving lifestyle is worthy of unbiased research and promotional effort, not last because of its potential to decide the raging battle of 'food vs feed' in favour of humanity.
For this reason, we appeal to the United Nations and its agencies to stop ignoring vegetarianism and instead study its multi-faceted benefits, with the aim of incorporating them into future strategies for a world without hunger.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food …”
- Rome Declaration of World Food Security: “We consider it intolerable that more than 800 million people throughout the world, and particularly in developing countries, do not have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs. This situation is unacceptable.
- FAO: Livestock a major threat to environment
- Jens Holm: The livestock industry and climate - Over a third of all grain harvested becomes fodder. Is that rational?
- Swiss Union for Vegetarianism: The Ecological Consequences of Meat Consumption
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