

【2014/09/30 文:suiis編輯部
年輕有魅力的美國知名流行歌手珍妮佛•羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)改吃全素(Vegan)了!雖然她承認有點想念奶油,但還是決定除去肉、奶類,成為全素食者。


「我身為一個女人但是我的身心卻有如少女一般年輕有活力。」外表上看起來像少女一樣的羅培茲,已經是一對雙胞胎的45歲媽媽,幾年前她開始吃素,如今更改 變為無肉、奶蛋製品的全素生活,除了食用穀類、豆類、蔬菜和水果,羅培茲也愛好素熱狗、無奶冰淇淋、純素起士和純素美奶滋。


原文網址:suiis素易 素食資訊 http://www.suiis.com/INFO/InfoArticle.asp?no=507#ixzz3FQgPIuQX

Победа за нами / Victory is ours / 勝利屬於我們 -- War Thunder

演唱:Группа Мураками 原歌曲 “Не спеши(Do not hurry)” 由世界著名演唱家 “Анны Герман(Anna German)“演唱(作詞: Евгений Евтушенко, 作曲: Арно Бабаджанян)

Hurry up
hurry up towards me
If I am afar
if I've got trouble
If I am – in a real nightmare
If the shadow of misfortune is at my window.
Hurry up, when they'll upset me one day.
Hurry up, when I need a friend.
Hurry up, when I'm sad in a silence
Hurry up, hurry up!
Don't hurry up, don't hurry up, when
When we are together and the trouble is far
The leaves and water will say ''yes''
The stars and fires, and the trains with them
Don't hurry up, when my eyes are into yours
Don't hurry up, when you mustn't hurry up
Don't hurry up, when the entire world is in silence
Don't hurry up, don't hurry up!
Don't hurry up!
Don't hurry up...
"Victory is ours"